Kambo Ceremony
Frog medicine Represents The Water Element, The Cycle Of Life, Cleansing, Healing, New Energy, Rebirth, Abundance, Fertility, Singing Your Own Song And Transformation.
The Origins of Kambô
Each tribe has its own legend or story about how they came to use Kambô. The most prevalent legend comes from Brazil…
This Huni Kuin tribal legend tells that the Indians of the tribe were very ill and their medicine man (Pajé in Brazil) had done everything that was possible to cure them. All medicinal herbs known were used, but none helped.
Under the effect of sacred plant medicines, he entered the forest and whilst there received a visit from a female spirit of the forest.
She brought in her hands a frog, from which she took a white secretion, and taught the Pajé how to apply it. Returning to the tribe and following the guidelines he had received, the Pajé was able to cure his brothers and sisters. From then on he was known as Pajé Kampu or Kampum.
What is Kambo?
Kambô is a secretion from one of the largest Hylid frogs known as the Giant Green Monkey Tree Frog. It’s scientific name is Phyllomedusa Bicolor. It is a natural vaccine derived from the waxy secretion on the skin of the tree frog that lives in northwestern parts of the Amazon jungle and is used traditionally by the indigenous tribes of Colombia, Brazil, and Peru as a medicine and spiritual aide. Kambo provides a very powerful physical and energetic cleanse, and is also considered a master reset within all systems of the recipient.
When done ethically, the frogs are not harmed in any way when the Kambô secretion is gently removed. A deep relationship and bond is held between the frogs and the sacred protectors who extract their medicinal secretion. When done in honor and respect, the frogs will actually come down from the trees, responding to a certain call that the medicine protectors sing. The IAKP or International Association of Kambo Practitioners spearheads the safe, responsible, ethical and sustainable use of Kambo. They work hand in had with the Matsés tribe of Peru. All commissions on Kambo sticks are given to the tribes for support of their sustainable efforts . The Matsés people and IAKP practitioners work in a sustainable way that protects the frogs and the environment that is so vital to their survival.
* Sarah Schaefgen, IAKP Certified Kambo Practitioner receives her Kambo sticks from the Matsés tribes. Proceeds from these sticks go back to the Matsés to support their community and continuation of safe practices with Kambo.
Benefits of Kambo
Research has shown the chemical makeup of kambo to contain a potent combination of powerful peptides. These beneficial peptides affect the body in numerous ways that include detoxification, hormonal support, balancing the nervous system, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, antifungal and both energetic and spiritual properties. While there are no published clinical studies that definitively back up kambo, there are already over 70 patents held on these peptides due to their therapeutic properties. Kambo is rising in popularity for its promising support of the following conditions:
Blood circulation problems
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
Vascular insufficiency
Organ diseases
Fertility problems
Deeply rooted toxins
Chronic pain
Addiction to opiate or prescription painkillers (Kambo reduces physical pain, thus helping people kick their addictions to other painkillers)
Fever and infections
Negative energies (traditionally known as “panema”)
Please note, Kambo is a powerful experience and is contraindicated for:
Serious heart problems
History of Stroke
On medication for low blood pressure
History of Brain Hemorrhage
History of blood clots or brain aneurisms
Mental disorders such as Psychosis, Bipolar, Schizophrenia,
Currently undergoing chemotherapy. Must wait 4-6 weeks after
Taking immune-suppressants for organ transplant
Addisons Disease. Unless off steroids for over 1 year.
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
Severe Epilepsy
Recovering from major surgical procedure
How is Kambo Applied
Kambo is applied to the participant by making quick small burn mark openings on the skin referred to as “gates”.
As the medicine is administered onto the gates, it enters the lymphatic system (not the bloodstream). For new participants, one point of medicine is administered first to introduce the medicine into the system and to gauge the participant’s reaction. After a few minutes, more may be applied to however many gates have been opened. Generally anywhere from 3-9 gates may be applied on the side of arm, inside ankle, spine or where we both intuitively agree upon.
What to Expect at a kambo ceremony
A typical Kambo Ceremony lasts about 2-3 hours depending on if it is an individual or group ceremony. The actual experience with the medicine last from 20-40min. After fasting for 8-10 hours, the ceremony will begin by establishing a safe and sacred container. From there we will do introductions, spend some time connecting and talking about Kambo and then set our intentions for the ceremony.
You will consume 2-3 liters of room temperature water at the procession of the ceremony in the presence of the facilitator. This assists the purging process in order to flush the whole lymphatic system, liver, kidneys, gall bladder, and other organs.
The initial onsets of kambo can create sensations such as increased heart rate, flushing in the skin, perspiration, focused areas of heat, and cramping in the intestines. Some may experience mild swelling of the face which wears off post ceremony. After a few minutes of sitting with the medicine, the body will begin purging the water and expelling blockages and toxins that may be stored energetically and physically in the organs all the way down to the cellular level. Kambo is a complete detoxification process both physically and energetically. While these sensations may be uncomfortable, the Kambo peptides are hard at work cleaning your body temple. The purging process lasts about 15-20 minutes, then the medicine is removed to allow integration for the participant.
Additional/ Optional Offerings:
Hapé is the preparation of powdered medicinal herbs, often with a Mapacho (tobacco) base. We offer a blend without tobacco as well. Hapé elicits a feeling of alertness and elevation that surpasses most other natural plant-based effects. It is energetically clearing and helps to balance ones spirit. It is also therapeutic for headaches, sinus infections and lowering the blood pressure. This medicinal snuff is administered by the practitioner through the nose using an applicator called a tepi. The ingestion of hape before or after a kambo session supports the experience with clarity and brings your focus back online.
Hape is optional and will be offered at ceremony.
Kambo sessions can be an intense experience but it is a manageable and quite empowering.
Recovery and integration is generally quick within 25-30 min and participants can drive and carry on with regular functionality the same day. It is however recommended to take it easy and be gentle with yourself the rest of the day. Consume healthy food, rehydrate with electrolytes, rest and spend some time in nature if possible.
The spirit of kambo works and communicates with the participate through the mind, body, and spirit, so leaving space before and after the ceremony for reflection is recommended.
Many people feel extremely empowered to make better decisions regarding the care of their body, mind and spirit after these ceremonies. Once you clean house, you’ll want to keep it that way!
Kambo Offerings
With Sarah Schaefgen, IAKP Certified Practitioner
Individual Kambo Session
2.5 Hrs/ $199
Work individually with Sarah to curate your unique healing journey with Kambo. In these sessions we will identify what physical, emotional and spiritual aspects you wish to focus on and utilize chakra, meridian and auricular points to customize your treatment.
Lunar Series
3 Kambo Sessions in one Lunar Cycle (30 days) - $540
“Vaccine of the forest”, is the term coined by the tribes that work closely with this healing ally. They believe receiving 3 kambo sessions within one lunar cycle is a powerful boost to the bodies immune system. This is also a powerful way to build a relationship with kambo, work on chronic issues and break through any blocks or challenges you may be facing.
Group Kambo Ceremony
3hrs/$180 per person
Sacred Ally hosts small group Kambo Ceremonies every few months. This will be limited to 3 people to maintain safety and intimacy of the container. Due to the small size of the group, these will fill up fast. Group ceremony dates can be located in the events section via the link below.
Private Group Ceremony
3hrs/$199 per person - 2 person minimum, 4 person Maximum
Book a private kambo ceremony at Sacred Ally or in the privacy of your own home. Please contact us via the link below to schedule your date and time.