Sacred Sister Circle
Embrace Your Authenticity!
A journey of connection healing and empowerment
Join us in October at sacred sister circle—a sanctuary of healing, a safe haven where you can shed societal expectations and explore the depths of your true essence.
Join us for a transformative and empowering experience, where we invite you to connect, grow, and embrace your authentic self. The Sacred Sister Circle will feature guest facilitator Sarah, co-founder of Sacred Ally.
In this gathering, we will come together through heartfelt conversations, guided meditations, creative expression, and transformative rituals. Together, we will create a container of trust and vulnerability, allowing you to express your fears, dreams, and desires without judgment. Our circle is open to women that crave a deeper connection and yearn for a supportive community that encourages exploration and new experiences.
Over the years, Sarah has developed a deep respect and reverence for the healing process. As a Sacred Ally, her life’s purpose is to hold sacred space for those on their journey of healing and empowerment. Together we all co-create a healing community, united by our shared journey of personal growth and self-discovery.
Things to bring:
-Journal and pen
-Something for the altar
These circles will be open to our community but limited to 13 women each month.
When registering for the event, please enter the amount you'd like to pay within our sliding scale of $20-40
Suggested sliding scale options based on income:
Annual income 0-30K: Pay $20
Annual income 30K-40K: Pay $25
Annual income 40K-50K: Pay $30
Annual income 50K+: Pay $40